Speaking Feedback Date : 2017.05.03 Evaluator: Hyeonseok Nho Speaker: Wooseong Kim Assignment/Title : Second major assignment. 1. What was the speakers strongest main point? He explained solution to computer addiction for children. 2. What did you like about the presentation? It was good to think about solution to the computer addiction for children. 3. How well did the audience get to know the speech subject? His speaking speed is moderate, so I think audiences can understand her content well. 4. Did the speech reflect adequate preparation? I think he needs to more practice. 5. Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly? His voice was clearly and audibly enough to hear presentation. 6. Was there a definite opening, body, and conclusion He organized presentation well . 7. Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes/eye contact. I think he needs to reduce number of time seeing his note. 8. What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech? It could be better if he have eye contact with audience. 9. What was your overall (positive) evaluation of the speech as a whole? It was good speaking. But next time, he needs to choose more calm place to shooting.
Speech Feedback Date : June 1, 2017 Evaluator: MinJee Kim Speaker: Wooseong Kim Assignment/Title : Computer addiction.
1. Speech Value (Interesting, meaningful to audience): 1, His speech was for all the people who might have a problem with computer addiction which is fairly common these days. It was interesting and it had great solutions to it.
2. Preparation (Research, rehearsal): 1, He had prepared it thoroughly.
3. Organization (Logical, clear): 1, He had clear opening, body, and conclusion.
4. Opening (Attention-getting, led into topic): 1, He started with a general statement of the negative aspects of technology development and specified it to computer addiction.
5. Body (Flowed smoothly, appropriate support material): 1, He talked about the problems we can encounter with computer addiction and added suggestions on how to solve these issues. It was well stated.
6. Conclusion (Effective): 1, He 'begged' us to keep watching for these problems. His punch line was great and memorable.
7. Transitions (appropriate, helpful): The transition from the hook to the thesis statement in the opening was smooth and the whole speech had good transition words.
* What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? I will speak with more confidence and maybe speak a bit more faster. It was well paced, but there were sometimes that I thought that it was kind slowly paced.
* What did you like about the presentation? I liked how it talked about the common problem that we can all have, computer addiction. I also liked the suggestion he made about how to solve these problems; leaving computer in the public place. I really thought that it will work for many young kids. Thank you for your great speech!
Speaking Feedback
ReplyDeleteDate : 2017.05.03
Evaluator: Hyeonseok Nho
Speaker: Wooseong Kim
Assignment/Title : Second major assignment.
1. What was the speakers strongest main point?
He explained solution to computer addiction for children.
2. What did you like about the presentation?
It was good to think about solution to the computer addiction for children.
3. How well did the audience get to know the speech subject?
His speaking speed is moderate, so I think audiences can understand her content well.
4. Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?
I think he needs to more practice.
5. Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?
His voice was clearly and audibly enough to hear presentation.
6. Was there a definite opening, body, and conclusion
He organized presentation well .
7. Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes/eye contact.
I think he needs to reduce number of time seeing his note.
8. What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
It could be better if he have eye contact with audience.
9. What was your overall (positive) evaluation of the speech as a whole?
It was good speaking. But next time, he needs to choose more calm place to shooting.
Speech Feedback
ReplyDeleteDate : June 1, 2017
Evaluator: MinJee Kim
Speaker: Wooseong Kim
Assignment/Title : Computer addiction.
1. Speech Value (Interesting, meaningful to audience): 1, His speech was for all the people who might have a problem with computer addiction which is fairly common these days. It was interesting and it had great solutions to it.
2. Preparation (Research, rehearsal): 1, He had prepared it thoroughly.
3. Organization (Logical, clear): 1, He had clear opening, body, and conclusion.
4. Opening (Attention-getting, led into topic): 1, He started with a general statement of the negative aspects of technology development and specified it to computer addiction.
5. Body (Flowed smoothly, appropriate support material): 1, He talked about the problems we can encounter with computer addiction and added suggestions on how to solve these issues. It was well stated.
6. Conclusion (Effective): 1, He 'begged' us to keep watching for these problems. His punch line was great and memorable.
7. Transitions (appropriate, helpful): The transition from the hook to the thesis statement in the opening was smooth and the whole speech had good transition words.
* What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
I will speak with more confidence and maybe speak a bit more faster. It was well paced, but there were sometimes that I thought that it was kind slowly paced.
* What did you like about the presentation?
I liked how it talked about the common problem that we can all have, computer addiction. I also liked the suggestion he made about how to solve these problems; leaving computer in the public place. I really thought that it will work for many young kids. Thank you for your great speech!