Saturday, May 27, 2017

Hayeon Jin/ Speech(Final)/ Thurs.3-4


  1. Title: How should we deal with Death?
    Evaluator: Yohan Seo
    Speaker: Hayeon Jin
    Date: 30th, May, 2017

    1. Speech Value (Interesting, meaningful to audience): 1, As she said, 'Death' is truly a serious and important topic to us human. So to me, it was interesting and meaningful to me, and may be to all.

    2. Preparation (Research, rehearsal): 1, She told us in detail about preparation for death, 'Death class'. She seems to have searched for it. And she memorized almost all she want to say.

    3. Organization (Logical, clear): 1, She has clear opening, body, and conclusion.

    4. Opening (Attention-getting, led into topic): 1, With a guessing quiz, her opening made me wonder what the topic will be. And she led well into the topic.

    5. Body (Flowed smoothly, appropriate support material): 1, She introduced how we should prepare for 'Death' in two ways, change of perception of the term 'Death' and death class.

    6. Conclusion (Effective): 1, She ended her speech with strong suggestion.

    7. Transitions (appropriate, helpful): 1, There were appropriate transitions.

    * What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    Her speech was pretty good. She spoke clearly, audibly. But, although she didn't see her note too much, pauses when she see her note took time a bit. I know she can solve this problem and would be better than before.
    * What did you like about the presentation?
    Her topic was interesting, and I can see that she prepared some materials well for the speech. And I liked the conclusion emphasizing what we should do for our death.

  2. Title: How should we deal with Death?
    Evaluator: Juyeon Oh
    Speaker: Hayeon Jin
    Date: 31st May 2017

    1. Speech Value (Interesting, meaningful to audience): 1, Her choice of topic was very interesting as it is something that all the people think sometime in their lives, but never get to discuss them in detail. It was very unique, intriguing and made me think about it too.

    2. Preparation (Research, rehearsal): 1, She had no notes and delivered her speech by heart. Also, it was clear that she spent a lot of time preparing for this assignment her gesutures blended well into the context and the speed was very calm, comfortable for listeners. Furthermore, things like Death Class may be unfamiliar with the audience, but she explained them which also shows thorough work. She also had a very good eye contact.

    3. Organization (Logical, clear): 1, She started off with a quiz to the audience, and moved to her bodys that had her opinions. It was great to see that she also referred the situation to our lives that it will happen some day to us, which made us reflect upon our lives. I liked where she made some emphasis on specific words for them to stand out.

    4. Opening (Attention-getting, led into topic): 1, She started off by giving a brief introduction of herself then gave a quiz to the listeners. Then, introduced the topic and made a smooth transition to the next.

    5. Body (Flowed smoothly, appropriate support material): 1, She provided two possible solutions in terms of how people should prepare for death. They were change of perception of the term 'Death' and attending death classes. The latter was never heard of personally, so it made me listen out for more and gave me a new perspective.

    6. Conclusion (Effective): 1, She urged the audience to imagine the death of themselves to prepare in advance. I liked this method because many speeches often end in ended her speech with strong suggestion.

    7. Transitions (appropriate, helpful): 1, The transitions were smooth throughout the speech as there were no separations between the contents.

    * What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    Her speech was really outstanding as the pace, tone and contents, all three of them really went well with each other. But if I have to pick on something that could have made her speech more effective is the movement. She delivered her speech standing still without any movements, but it could have been better if she moved around even if they are just a couple of steps around her to look more relaxed.

    * What did you like about the presentation?
    I really liked her content. They were interesting, eye catching and most importantly, it is something that all of us need to think of some time in our lives. Such choice allowed room for the audience to think about themselves and their prospect future. I also liked the pace and the tone of her voice because when people have to do such assignments, it is very easy to speak very quickly without intonations, but she did both of them really well, which added a plus to her performance.

  3. Title: How should we deal with death?
    Evaluator: Jeeny Jung
    Speaker: Hayeon Jin
    Date: 6/1

    1. Speech value: 1, I found it interesting because she is not viewing death in a negative way but rather explaining and presenting about why and how we should look at death in a more positive way. And I found this valuable because it's persuasive since we should all face death eventually.
    2. Preparation: 1, I think she prepared this presentation very much as she did not need a note sheet but knew all of her contents about what would come next.
    3. Organization: 1, Her organizations were clear. Her opening, body and conclusion were distinct that I could know the flow of her presentation.
    4. Opening: 1, She makes her audience become interested to her presentation by not telling the topic right away but first describing and give the chance to the audience to guess what it is about.
    5. Body: 1, She first describes why she thinks death should be viewed in a positive way and presents the 2 reasons which is logical to be the main part.
    6. Conclusion: 2, She asks us to put these thoughts in action by first thinking about it in a easy way such as before sleeping.
    7. Transition: 1, She introduced that she is going to now introduce why, and then she said there are now 2 reasons, firstly and secondly, which let me know what would come next.
    8. What would the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? It might have been better if she had summed her contents up in the conclusion.
    9. What did you like about the presentation? I liked her pauses and the speed of presentation and the different way how she thought about the topic.

  4. Speech Feedback
    Date: 2017.06.02
    Evaluator: Joon Bum Kim
    Speaker: Jin Ha Yeon
    Assignment/Title: Sumin Park/Major/Thurs 34

    Speech Value-1, She talked about death which was interesting because many people actually do not consider it much.

    Preparation- 1, She was well prepared. Seemed that she had some adequate research done. Also, she memorized most of the lines

    Organization- 1, Well organized, clear opening, body and conclusion

    Opening – 1, started off with a quiz which was interesting

    Body – 1, she explained two ways to prepare death.

    Conclusion- 1, was able to effectively sum up her opinion

    Transitions- 1, Well use of transition

    * What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    I think she could have used more concrete and specific examples to corroborate her stance. If no examples exist she could have made a hypothetical situation and explain the mechanisms that she explained.

    What did you like about the presentation?
    Her topic was well chosen. Done many research and she clearly knew what she was talking about and what point was to be emphasized. It was nice to learn.
