Saturday, May 27, 2017

Joonhyung Kim / Second Major Assignment / THU 1-2


  1. Speaking Feedback

    Date : 2017.5.28.
    Evaluator : Seungchae Na(나승채)
    Speaker : Joonhyung Kim
    Assignment/Title : second major assignment

    1. What was the speaker’s strongest main point?
    His main point is about how to make a team project well.
    2. What did you like about the presentation?
    The 3 tips that he gives to support his idea are all clear and specific. Also, he had a lot of confidence
    when he was making his presentation.
    3. How well did the audience get to know the speech subject?
    He first talks about how to make a team project well, and then gives 3 specific tips to support it.
    4. Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?
    Yes, he did. I could see that he put a lot of efforts into making his speech.
    5. Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?
    Yes, he did. His presentation was clear and audible.
    6. Was there a definite opening, body, and conclusion?
    He did have a definite opening, body, and conclusion in his presentation.
    7. Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes/eye contact.
    He did not use any notes during the presentation. Also, he had strong eye contact with the audience.
    8. What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
    His speech would have been better if it had more emphasis in it, but it was generally a good speech.
    9. What was your overall (positive) evaluation of the speech as a whole?
    He had specific reasons, such as his own experiences, for supporting his 3 tips. This would have
    aided the audiences to understand and accept his ideas.

  2. 201303867 Ka Pui CheungMay 30, 2017 at 11:11 AM

    Speaking Feedback
    Date : 29-5-2017
    Evaluator: Ka Pui Cheung
    Speaker: Joonhyung Kim
    Assignment/Title : Second Major Assignment-How to Make a Team Project Work Well

    Speech Value - 5
    The speaker provided some useful tips to students in this presentation. I guess most of us had some bad experiences in doing group project. Therefore, this topic really attracts me to see how to make a team project work well.
    Preparation - 5
    He prepared the speech aid (ppt) for helping the audience to understand the speech. Also, he memorized the speech and had so many eye contacts with audiences.
    Organization - 4
    I think his presentation was well-organized with clear opening(question to audiences), body(subpoints and supporting materials) and conclusion.
    Opening - 4
    He asked about the feeling of doing group project which I guess everyone had some bad experience. This question can grab the audiences’ attention to listen his speech.
    Body - 5
    He was well-organized his speech with strong supporting points and the solution of each situations.
    Conclusion - 4
    He gave the concluding remarks which can help the audience to remember his speech but it would better to sum up his points in the conclusion.
    Transitions - 5
    He used the ‘first, second, third’ which I think it is clear to see the transition of the speech.
     What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    It would be better to sum up his points in the conclusion to make sure the audiences get your main points in the speech.
     What did you like about the presentation?
    He gave some interesting idea which included his own experiences to support his ideas which is really impressive.

    1. 201303867 Ka Pui CheungMay 30, 2017 at 11:18 AM

      For your information, the rating should be
      5 = Excellent
      4 = Above average for the speaker's experience level
      3 = Satisfactory
      2 = Could improve
      1 = Needs attention

  3. Speaking feedback

    Title : second major assignment
    Date : 2017. 6. 1.
    Evaluator : Seungchae Na(나승채)
    Speaker : Joonhyung Kim

    * Speech Value (Interesting, meaningful to audience)
    : 1 / He talked about how to make a team project well.

    * Preparation (Research, rehearsal)
    : 1 / I could see that he put a lot of efforts into making his speech. He did not use any notes during his presentation, and had strong eye contact with the audience.

    * Organization (Logical, clear)
    : 1 / His presentation had a definite opening, body, and conclusion. He first talks about how to make a team project well, and then gives 3 specific tips to support it.

    * Opening (Attention-getting, led to topic)
    : 1 / His opening was able to grab the audiences’ attention and was able to convey the main idea.

    * Body (Flowed smoothly, appropriate, support material)
    : 1 / His 3 specific tips were all strong and effective.

    * Conclusion (Effective)
    : 2 / His conclusions were a little short, but it did summarize the whole speech.

    * Transition (appropriate, helpful)
    : 1 / The transitions in his presentation were all adequate.

    * What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    : His speech would have been better if it had more emphasis in it, but it was generally a good speech.

    * What did you like about the presentation?
    : He had specific reasons, such as his own experiences, for supporting his 3 tips. This would have aided the audience to understand and accept his ideas.
